What is Project Exploration?

Project Exploration is a chance for everyone to come together to design a game. Come join me weekly for an update in progess, an a workshop session where I walk people through the design process of making this game, and carefully plan it, in hopes to one day publish it as a AAA game!

This site is a work in progress, as is the project! So check back often, as I will be updating this site with content highlighting plans for the project!

What is the Plan So Far?

I try to keep this document up to date with the current plan for Project Exploration:

The PE Wireframe

How can I get involved?

You can get involved by checking out our weekly workshop stream on twitch and youtube:

Or by joining the discussion in our discord, where you can request topics for the workshop:

Please consider a Financial Contribution

Most importantly, this is made possible with contributions from our community, things learned from project exploration are usually made available to our community as a result, contributions help me continue development of content for for Unity, VRChat, VR, gaming and AI. please consider being a part of our patreon for insider information, access to special bonuses and more!

You can support me through either Patreon or Discord!